Minor in Companion Animals
- Human-Animal Interaction Minor
Individuals seeking undergraduate degrees at New Mexico State University (examples: human health and wellness careers such as sociology, psychology, physical therapy, animal science) that wish to incorporate companion animals (primarily dogs and horses) into their treatment plans do not have formal extensive training in the behavior, training and use of companion animals in these fields. The addition of a minor in Human-Animal Interaction offers NMSU students who want to incorporate companion animals into their treatment modalities a higher level of training and expertise. Offering a minor in Human-Animal Interactions (within the Department of Animal and Range Sciences) would provide employment and career advantages to graduating NMSU students in many disciplines. New innovative uses of companion animals in the hospitality and tourism industry are another incorporation of this minor.
- Science Option Checklist
For students receiving an undergraduate degree in Animal Science: The companion animal science option course curriculum provides the courses needed for students to apply to most Veterinary Medical Schools or Graduate Schools.
- Industry Option Checklist
For students receiving an undergraduate degree in Animal Science: The companion animal industry option course curriculum prepares students to enter into various careers in the companion animal industry upon graduation. These may include but are not limited to careers in hotel management and criminal justice.